High mountain lakes were refuges of historical and even prehistoric biodiversity. These biodiversity are fragile because they are located in ecosystems with extreme parameters. The summer season is short in the high mountains and everything was organized according to this temporal pattern to survive. Little food production, a lot of energy requirements to resist extreme cold, the living beings of LHM have adapted for millions of years to these extreme conditions and to the numerous climatic changes since the dawn of our time.

But...since the Middle Ages, even the Roman era, shepherds have introduced salmonids into these lakes to feed on flocks of sheep and cows in mountain pastures during the summer pastures. These fish, the more recent empirical rearing (by helicopter, etc.) without preliminary impact studies have destroyed endemic species (eggs of amphibians, crustaceans, aquatic insects) They have accentuated the enrichment of the lakes with nutrients causing eutrophication in the current period of climate change.

These salmonids have generated destabilized ecosystems that have become biodiversity deserts. It was then necessary to introduce food so that they could survive, get through the harsh winters or more simply fish them with live bait. Then appears fishing over-tourism which uses forage fish as livestock and dumps them into the lakes after the fishing trip. These contaminations of forage fish (minnows, chub, etc. in Alpine and Pyrenees lakes) have devoured all that remained in terms of endemic biodiversity. The proliferation of minnows has eliminated aquatic insects, zooplankton species then causing the proliferation of phytoplankton algae which benefit from global warming, the absence of their predators and nutrient enrichment. Some completely destabilized lakes turn milky green from phytoplankton blooms.

Introduced species have also carried pathogens (viruses, bacteria) responsible for major epidemics such as infectious diseases among endogenous amphibians.

Fisheries management without preliminary scientific study, over-fishing for leisure, over-crowding of mass tourism, over-pastoralism of fragile ecosystems are destructive of high mountain biodiversity. Over-tourism and over-breeding in the Alps generate organic and inorganic pollution through negligence through ecological a-culturism, through quick profits, through lack of coordination of communication by local decision-makers, through political decisions and bets that are not respectful of Nature.

The waters of the LHM are now polluted by cyanobacteria, endocrine disruptors from sun creams, detergents and dishwashing products, fishermen's sinkers, nano-fibers from mountain clothing, cigarette butts (a cigarette butt pollutes 1000 liters of water or 1m3 of snow by releasing 250 toxic substances including 50 carcinogens), ski wax, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, all these global pollutants carried by winds, rain, snow, by faeces, urine, medicinal derivatives from human beings, from too many herds of sheep, cows, waste left behind , by hikers, swimmers who trample everything etc…

The extreme mountain becomes dirty through incivility and ecological a-culturism. Climate change, rain, plastic snow, Chernobyl radionuclides accentuate the negative pressures on these fragile ecosystems. Endogenous animals that resist are finding it increasingly difficult to get used to rapid climatic disruptions and their collateral effects.

If the biofauna of the LHM suffers, the inhabitants who have lived in the mountains for generations also suffer from the surge of these rapid changes. Controversies arise in the mountain pastures. Against or for over-tourism, against or for over-pastoralism, against or for hunting, fishing in the heart of national parks, against or for the wolf…. The mountains have difficulty getting used to climatic disruptions as well as to the social and economic disruptions of our time. Ecologists, breeders, farmers, tourists, fishermen, hunters, scientists also have difficulty communicating, getting along: it's a bit of the discord ignored by the excessive summer transhumance of the urban world towards the high mountains, city dwellers mostly in quest for quick and superficial pleasures.

Fishing is a problem in the heart of the Mercantour National Park. Fishermen are criticized for trampling around lakes and destabilizing ecosystems, forgetting that these same fishermen who pay water fees are the first sentinels in the event of pollution or incivility. We say nothing to the several thousand hikers in summer who trample the banks of the lakes even more with their sticks without plastic tips, who leave their waste, who take their dogs despite the bans (seen several times this summer at the edge of the lake Lauzanier frequented in the summer by 43,000 visitors!!!!), who camp and make fires and who bathe covered in cream (swimming is authorized in LHM: why???) leaving endocrine disruptors which kill more fish than the artificial flies of fishermen.

There is an over-bath use of mountain lake areas (lakes, torrents, canyons, rivers) with people who make noise, light fires, organize drunken and noisy evenings. This public behaves like at the beach and communicates their misdeeds on social networks!!!! These networks are the poisons of the mountain. This summer, Lake Lauzanier was a veritable boulevard of noisy, arrogant, uncivil revelers. There is lax surveillance, control and repression around this sentinel lake. It is simply scandalous and outrageous for Nature.

Half a million visitors visit Mercantour National Park each year. Fishermen represent a thousandth of this attendance for only three months a year.…

We then prioritize the law of numbers that of hikers who represent, for example, 99% of tourist attendance in mountain pastures in the Lauzanier area. These visitors enjoy the aquatic spaces and do not pay a water fee or fishing license. But the fishermen who represent 1% of these visitors, who pay a water fee for the protection and restoration of aquatic ecosystems, are blamed for the destruction of these ecosystems??? We let the other 99% run without control or payment of water taxes: why? Why not charge a water fee like fishermen, river and lake swimmers, canyoners, rafters, hydro-speeders, kayakers, aquatic mass tourism which uses water for specific purposes? playful and often destructive..??? The money recovered would make it possible to rehabilitate ecosystems destroyed by over-balnearization.

The Mercantour National Park feels the wind of anger coming and decrees actions which seem to drift towards conciliations based on inter-comparative scientific studies.

Three sentinel lakes in the Mercantour National Park (including Lake Lauzanier) are being studied over the long term to optimize fisheries management in periods of climate change, but nothing is really planned to channel the over-crowding in summer and over-bathing. , its impacts as well as the impacts of cocktail, sneaky and eternal pollution (plastics, fibers, TFA, creams, 137Cs radionuclides etc.) associated with the acidification of water (CO2+H2O=H2CO3) by deposits of excess carbon dioxide in the water at that atmosphere of altitude.

As for fishing, the directives are written and do not satisfy all parties: https://www.mercantour-pa...printable/print I advise you to read this text in detail and the comments of the different actors in the mountains. It’s interesting to discover the different points of view of those involved in the mountains.

Unity is strength. Mountain pastures can no longer be managed as before or as now. Conciliation, progress in research, pragmatic solutions, frequent checks and rapid repression are essential to preserve fragile ecosystems. But we have to hurry because all this discord in the mountain pastures risks making us lose our memory of our times.

The high mountain lake was one of his last refuges. Let us try to keep his memory in our hearts.

I advise you to surf the following links for more information on the scientific monitoring of LHMs, the stresses threatening them, the ecological citizenship to adopt and to read the following document in particular pages 30 to 35 before venturing into LHM:


https://www.mon-sejour-en...ner/#:~:text=La baignade, tout comme l,à ce genre de perturbations